How can I Help?

– Purchase items from our Amazon wishlist and have sent directly to my home

– Drop items off at my home 5 Sagamore Dr. Seymour, CT 06483

– Donate through our Venmo

– Mail a check to Seymour Food 2 Kids, 5 Sagamore Dr.  Seymour, CT 06483

Wish List Items:

All items must be single-serving size unless otherwise specified.
Expiration dates must be at least three months from time of donation.

Chef Boyardee (individual microwavable bowls)

Mac & Cheese (individual microwavable bowls or packets)

Cereal (individual-sized cups or boxes)

Cereal Bars, Oatmeal, Pop Tarts

Granola Bars, Pudding Cups, Rice Krispie Treats

Ramen Packets

Fruit Juice Boxes (no pouches)

Shelf Stable Milk

Apple Sauce Individual Cups or Fruit Cups

Salty Snacks such as Cheese-its, Pretzels, Pirates Booty, etc.

(All Individual sized)

Peanut Butter (full size ok)

Jelly (plastic squeeze bottles only – full size ok)