Historical Background

Story of Seymour Food 2 Kids

In February 2023, I participated in a food 2 kids program in another community with my then 4-year-old daughter Mackenzie. After the experience, she expressed her desire to help feed children in need when she starts kindergarten. I was inspired by her compassion and made a mental note to look for similar programs in Seymour.

In May of 2023, I was introduced to a local group called All In Seymour, which aimed to improve the community for all residents. I immediately felt connected to the group for two reasons – I could involve my children in the group’s activities, and I shared the common goal of making Seymour a better place to live. I was shocked to discover that 40% of Seymour residents were struggling to provide for their families, highlighting the importance of the work being done by organizations like All In Seymour.

Reflecting on Mackenzie’s desire to help feed children at her kindergarten school made me realize the importance of addressing food insecurity in our community, especially with the recent changes to school lunch programs. For the previous few school years lunch was provided at no charge for all students, but beginning with the 2023-2024 school year families who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch were now going to need to pay for lunches once again.  Recognizing the financial strain this placed on families, I worked with All In Seymour to organize community dinners and engage in conversations with residents to understand their struggles.

Through my interactions, it became evident that implementing a food 2 kids program in our town could make a significant impact. Seeking guidance, I connected with the gracious ladies from Food 2 Kids Milford, who shared their expertise and advice on initiating such a program. Following their direction, I engaged in discussions with the principal and stakeholders at Bungay School-where Mackenzie was attending as a kindergarten student. Their enthusiastic response and belief in the program’s potential to aid families in the Bungay community further fueled my determination.

In January 2024, after receiving swift approval from the Board of Education, it became apparent that our initiative would come to fruition sooner than expected. The prospect of starting the program in the current school year left me with a mix of excitement and disbelief, but I was fueled by the knowledge that we were making a tangible difference in the lives of our community members.

As the donations grew, necessitating the use of additional shelves in our storage space, the program began to take shape. On February 12, 2024, seven children from Bungay School joined me at my home to pack six weeks’ worth of food bags, an experience collaborated to assist their peers in need. Two days later, on February 14, 2024, I delivered two weeks’ worth of provisions to Bungay School, inaugurating the distribution process.

Every Thursday, I drop off 10 bags discreetly placed in the children’s backpacks by the school administration. Periodically, I gather a group of children to engage in discussions about the program’s purpose, guiding them as they fill the bags with donated items. Through the overwhelming support of the community, we have collected 18 weeks’ worth of food entirely through donations, a testament to the generosity and compassion present in our town. I am immensely grateful for this opportunity to make a meaningful impact and am humbled by the community’s unwavering support.

As the program continued to gain momentum and community support, it became evident that there was a greater need within the school community than initially anticipated. Recognizing the potential for expansion and the importance of formalizing the initiative, I sought guidance from other nonprofit leaders on the process of establishing a 501c3 organization.

Facing financial constraints that prevented me from hiring legal assistance, I took matters into my own hands and diligently researched the required steps. Crafting articles of incorporation and bylaws, I embarked on the path to formalize the program. With the help of recruited community members who joined the organization’s board, we worked together to complete all necessary paperwork and submit the documents for official recognition.

After a rigorous seven-week waiting period, I received the momentous news on March 26th, 2024, that Seymour Food 2 Kids had been successfully incorporated and officially recognized as a 501c3 organization. This milestone marked a significant achievement and solidified our commitment to serving the Seymour school community with long-term, sustainable support. 

Shannon Bullard